15 secrets you never knew about your girl
The woman in your life may give you her heart, soul and, of course, her body, but still there's a part of her being that she'll never share with you... stuff that makes her a mystery .
Yes, your woman is a den of mysteries hinted to you in her sly smile, enigmatic laughter or that sudden silence. She just pretends to be one, but is never an open book to you. Her deepest secrets are what add to her charm ... but render you an outsider in her own 'Secret Garden'. Secrets of her unshared yearnings, cherished fantasies or for that matter, a secret lover from the past ...
Here's a peep into those hidden secrets ... dig into them at your own risk!
- I might just hate it when you sleep in that office shirt, but when you are away, I love to snuggle up in your shirt because it smells of you.
- Though I insist on paying the bill or sharing it in our initial dates, I'll find you cheap and so non-chivalrous in case you don't insist on making the payment.
- Long before we explored each other's bodies, I had been fantasizing about being with you. That inhibition was only to get assured that you are all mine.
- I do think about my ex-es and compare them to you. Mostly you win, but you are not all perfect.
- 'I don't care you call or not' is pure pretence. In fact, I start waiting for your next call the moment one ends. Not just this, I eagerly want you to plan our next date even before the current one ends. I might not show it. So, don't fret about looking desperate just call! The gap looks like a lifetime to me.
For complete article click:
15 secrets you never knew about your girl
Shreyas Malik
My Website is psmalik.com
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