If You Remain Alive The Society Will Not …

If You Remain Alive The Society Will Not …

The message in this article is new. It may startle a few readers. If it is so you repeat reading this article and do so by the time this entire thought process is not clear on you. Once the meaning of this process is clear then proceed further in this article.
In a society you are always asked to breed up good thoughts. Thoughts are never good or bad. This is a misconception. This misconception arises out of a psychological habit. The society or sometime the religion also tries to implant on you such misconceptions. They intoxicate you with their doctrines in the form of thoughts. They cleanse opposite thoughts from your mind and impart those thoughts in your mind which are suitable to them. You are never given a freedom for your choice of selection.
After your coming to this world no one asked you about your choice regarding your name, caste, religion, morality, ethics and the content of the books given to you for reading. All these things have been imbibed in your mind as ‘essential’s. For example if you belong to a religion X, then all scriptures of that religion were emptied in your brain. You were made to cram all these. Sometimes in consciousness and some other times in unconsciousness; you were continuously given a feed of values; values of religion, values of morality, values of ethics and so on so forth. This giving was sometimes in the name of honesty and some other time in the name of those values which the giver thought that it would be in your benefit to receive them. Only the giver and the given values were prominent. You were forgotten altogether.
This is the real predicament. The one who is given a value system is in the last row. Only the giver and given value are considered of paramount importance. They are busy in injecting the values in you. They don’t give you time to think over the process. They know it very well that you would receive these injections of values by the time you are not aware of the nature of these injections. Once you are full of vigor of your own, then you need no injection. Your social champions know this. That’s why they don’t allow you to think on your own. Before you are able to think independently they just want to fill you with their infrastructure so that your future thinking is always suitable to them.
Here is the problem, just focus it. They make you, they prepare you as a thinking machine for them and giving results to meet their requirements. They want to overpower your thinking faculties. They are successful to some extent; as you being in a deep sleep are allowing them to succeed in their plans. Your mind has become their warehouse and your thoughts have become a perpetually working machine, working for them. You now are capable to think only those areas and procedures which had been yielding products according to the infrastructure provided by them.
After studying economics for 20 one usually claims that he is a renowned economist and is now able to give society something valuable. Just think what something valuable he would give to the society. He would try to duplicate his brain in the new potential-areas. He would duplicate himself in the future as he was duplicated in the past. This is a process of duplication. Duplicates are being prepared. The nature gave you a uniqueness and they have suppressed it and duplicity was filled in you. You are not you as born – the unique; but you are as you were prepared – merely a duplicate.
This duplicity is the problem of today's mankind.
Mankind is studying economics, physics, mathematics but the mankind is not studying the mankind itself. No one is coming forward after 20 years of some study of mankind and saying that he has learnt it and now he would be preparing free and independent human beings.
The human race has lived several thousand years and only a few came there who could claim it. They came and called them Messiahs, Prophets and Avatars or Rishis. They appeared in the world, taught freedom and disappeared.
Soon after, the songs of freedom enchanted by those Messiahs, Prophets, and Avatars were crammed by the pundits and parishioners who again took over the scene and started the reproduction of mental replicas. The mission of those Messiahs and Avatars is thus defeated by those who claimed to be their followers.
People are not being given a chance to be what they really are. They are made everything else than what they were born and their originality is killed designedly. It is killed with the objective to maintain and promote homogeneity in the society. Heterogeneity is termed something as unwanted. It is done so for a smooth functioning of the society. Society which has reduced the entire human race into the products of the same type; same type – allured to the pieces of bread, scared of risks, tempted by conveniences.
Despite all these constraints and designs some people get the glimpse of their originality. Zoroaster, Lord Buddha, Mahavir, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammad, Guru Nanak are a few amidst those ones. They were originals. They were not the duplicates of even each other. Each of them sang a song of life which the humanity had never heard before. The humanity was blessed in their vicinity.
But this was never a convenience to those societies also. They were all opposed. They faced challenges and won over. They could win because they were not duplicates of any predecessor and the society did not possess any tool to break that originality. Society can break a duplicity. It can break a duplicity because this duplicity is the repetition of some earlier one who was also broken by the society using the same tool.
But this society has tried to invent and develop a technique to tackle those spiritual incidents of the human consciousness. This technique is called psychology. This psychology gathers some information from the observations of the common man of the time and applies it to those who claim to have received the light. These observations are gathered from those members of the society which are the products of the teachings of the society. Their conduct and behaviour will conform to those social standards. The observations gathered from those persons would be in total conformity of the social values, stigmas, taboos, traditions etc.
When these observations are applied to those who get a glimpse of the light, who refuse to shed their originality and who revolt against the shackles of society these observations are bound to fail in their predictions. This psychology is insufficient to predict about the behavior of those Messiahs and Avatars. This psychology can predict about all Toms, Dicks and Harries but cannot predict about Guru Govind Singh, Oshos, Vivekanandas, Mansoors or Rabias.
Hence this psychology is nothing more than a social tool, again, used to maintain a streamline flow of social duplicity. This psychology is to tell about the conformity of behaviour of its subject against the behaviour of those who established. For the societies it is indicative only regarding the potential problem areas of seething originality. This psychology discharges its duties as a watchdog of the society. Only those are allowed to exist and cherished in a society who, are in accordance with the guidelines of the society.
Those who are originals always transcend the psychology.
This commendation of the society that one should inculcate good thoughts – is also against the nature. Thoughts are never good or bad. It is their evaluation by the concerned ones which make them, or more appropriate to say declare them as good or bad. Which are in line of the society they are called good and those against the line of the society are called bad. That is why the Messiahs and the Prophets are always stoned or crucified. Their originality is not suitable to the concomitant set ups.
The society promotes the objective of reducing a person’s mind into a junkyard. The society has its interest in preventing and suppressing his freedom. Once you are free, you raise questions on the social beliefs. Your questions break the social inertia. Inertia is always convenient.

Originality does not follow convenience.
Now understand that your liberation from the thought process is a simple attack on the roots of social inertia. For this reason the society always tempt you to breed thoughts. Social champions always write essays for inculcation of new ideas. They fill you up to the neck with this garbage (of thoughts).
The society enslaves you through your thoughts. But you have an option; an option to freedom. You may choose not to be enslaved by the thoughts. You have an option to refuse to be captive of thoughts. We have the way; the way to salvation. But only those should try this path who are bold and courageous enough to explore the new possibilities.

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