Living Life Differently …

Living Life Differently …

If I call upon you to live life then it looks absurd. It looks strange. It looks bizarre. Asking one to live life is unusual and it sounds very odd. Every one will contend that he is living his life. He is eating, breathing and moving. This shows that life is being lived.
Here is a mistake. Living of life is being inferred from the food eaten, the oxygen inhaled and the distance moved.  Life is being inferred from the lifeless entities. The life is being deduced from the non living beings. Something is wrong somewhere.
Most of the people are lost. They are lost in their thoughts. They are filled with the thoughts of the things around them. They have thoughts of roads, planes, rivers, boss, money, God, peace and so many other things. In these thoughts they are lost. They are not there inside them. This aspect of predominance of thought has been dealt with in my article “Imprisoned by Thoughts”. This article is available at my website
Most of the people spend their lives without identifying them. They do not identify themselves as living being. This kind of Identification of themselves has nothing to do with spirituality. It is nothing related to sciences or religion. It is a merely your first hand experience of yourself. Most of the people do not have a first hand experience of their own.
People do not come in their own contact. They do never see that they exist. They are unaware of their existence. They just keep flowing out of them. They keep flowing out round the clock. They are never directed towards themselves. They do not talk to themselves. They do not listen to themselves. They keep their eyes and ears close for their existence.
The meeting of one with oneself is nothing difficult. It is the easiest thing one can do. People spend their lives to know others. They do not pay a few moments to know themselves. Some of the people may have some doubts here. They may contend that they know their limbs, skin, face, internal organs, heart, lungs and one hundred other things about their body. They claim to know them. They utter that they can prove their awakening.
This argument in itself shows that they are sleeping for themselves. They are arguing their awakening based on the color of the wall, darkness of the room and position of the sun at noon. Awakening is your awakening. It cannot be proved. Your awakening is for you. It can not be for others. An awakening cannot be argued. A Buddha cannot argue how he is awakened. Awakening can be lived into. It can be existed in. What is argued is only a logic; a syntax; a syllogism. It is all permutation and combination of words. It has nothing to do with your relationship to you. Awakening is a state of existence when you exist in you.
When you argue about your existence, about your awakening with the help of some out side proofs and objects it is simply a dissociation of you with you. You know “you” through the third party objects. You know “you” through material situated outside you. You know “you” through the things which are not you. Something other than you, tells you that you are you. But this is an indirect relationship which you have with “you”. You are not directly related to you.
Now for you the urgent need is to come out of this hallucination. You should know yourself. Do not fill your interiors with dead materials lying out side you. You should vacate your internal space. This will release you from the burden you are carrying overhead. This can be achieved easily. For this nothing special is to be done.
Special activities are required for your displacement from your core. When you are to be thrown away from your core it would require an attempt. To be available at your core nothing unusual is required to be done. You just stop making forcible attempts to go outside. You ought to be in harmony with your existence. You are to repudiate all conflicts. These conflicts consume your energy.
Some readers may ask a question if the returning back to one’s centre would require the forbearance of alcohol, sex, money, dance or music. Alcohol, sex, money, dance or music is not any obstacle in your awakening. These are the things situated outside you. They may affect your body only, while your awakening is purely an internal event. Alcohol, sex, money or pleasure neither support your awakening nor obstruct it. Your awakening happens at a level very deep inside you. Alcohol, sex and money can not reach that level. You may choose the acceptance or rejection of alcohol, sex, money, dance or music for any other reasons but your awakening is always untouched by these things.
In India the instances are there, (in Tantra) when even alcohol, sex, meat, fish and some postures are used to cross bodily inhibitions and reach a state of awakening. All these commodities are used as a means to boost one’s energy level.
Your Life is for living. No taboo is to be imposed on this living of life. Imposing taboos over your life shows that the life is changed as per taboos and taboos are not changed or shed as per the requirement of life. Your Life is for living. It is not for carrying values (taboos are also a kind of forbidden values) overhead as a bundle of woods. All values are for living. All values are meant for life. These are there to celebrate the life. If any value is there which is against the celebration of life then there are grounds to reconsider the relevance of that value. See if that value has already completed its purpose. You should also see if there is a need for its replacement.
Some values are there which suggest that for awakening you have to renounce this world and live a life of an ascetic. There are some other values which offer the enjoyments of the world including alcohol, sex, money, dance and music. You have to decide which values are more suitable to you; only you can decide it. There is none else who can make this choice for you. Renouncing the world or consuming the world – these both are the values. Both are subservient to the life. Both are for the life. The life is for neither. The life is always at the highest pedestal.
Life is also not to be converged to the attainment of some object or a value. There are those who sacrifice their lives for acquiring a post or a status. Their this expedition starts with the presumption that their life is inferior to that post or the status. They want to heighten their life to that post or the status. Vivid and vibrant life is forced to aspire to those fixed and lifeless post and status. This is sleeping. In sleep only one can do such acts.
Life is beyond the domain of intellect. Intellect is a small faculty of brain. Giving intellect predominance over the life is constricting the life. Reason is one of the functions which intellect performs. Love, compassion, sacrifice, prayer, luxury, anger, faith are a few among those areas where intellect has little role to play. So the life cannot be restricted within the sphere of reason. For instance, bliss is neither an intelligent act nor is it a reason.
The life extends beyond all brain faculties. Brain faculties and activities are only a small proportion of life. Love, submission, faith, Bhakti, bliss, flow and a will to freedom are all beyond the domain of the reason. They are even beyond the scope of knowledge and cognition. The life extends to all areas. It is all pervading. It is all extensive.
To be extensive to the amplitudes of the life, open up your wings. Fly high. Live life.

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