Prostitution of Spirituality


Prostitution of Spirituality

Prostitution is offering one’s body for money. Here offering body is important. A laborer does not offer his body, he offers only his labor for money. Here the difference between offering body and offering labor should not be lost of sight. Prostitution is not gender specific. A female or a male any one can be a prostitute. Male prostitutes are known with a specific noun – gigolo. Another type of male prostitution is also prevalent among Gays. Simply they offer their body for the enjoyment of others. In return they receive money.  
Here are two sides. One enjoys the body and the other enjoys the money. For the first one, the money is worthless against body and for the second one the body is worthless against the money. For convenience, you may call the first one prostitute and the second one the customer. The prostitute seeks money and spends body for that. The customer seeks body and spends money for that. The prostitute is hungry of money. The customer is hungry of body.
One more contingency is possible when more than two prostitutes are available and the customer has a choice to choose one of them. Now the prostitutes are likely to offer some other attractive packages with the body. Some other sensual acts, some other titillations, some other postures are offered, and that too free of cost, to attract the potential customer. In some compulsive and encouraging circumstances they reduce their demand – money also.
Customer’s satisfaction is the only goal. Prostitutes want to have their customers satisfied. Satisfied customers last long and pay more.
This is all worth viewing.
The world expresses itself in contrasts. When this world was confronted with obesity, the value of being slim was inflated. When in 8th - 6th century B.C. the world saw the first Iron – revolution and the surplus of production was available, there was a greatest religious movement in those civilizations. Gautama Buddha, Mahavir, Lou Tzu  and many more were born and preached their dharmas. From psychological point of view such historical orientations are due to a nostalgic inconvenience. Those who do not find them in the changed circumstances they plead for the continuation of the old regime.   
This has again happened in the modern world. In the age of increasing obesity the slimness is a cherished value. In the age of increasing materialism the spiritualism is an esteemed way of living. Against the present day materialism some Gurus have estimated that Yoga and spirituality are not available in the new value-set of corporate culture. Rather being curative in nature the Yoga and Spirituality are going to cure the side effects of this materialistic corporate work culture.
Long working hours in the offices, lengthy flight schedules, unending challenges and unchanging sitting postures in front of computers are some modern attitudes which give distortions in the normal working of human bodies. These distortions can be cured with Yoga and Spirituality. This has been proved globally. East or west, everywhere the Yoga and Spirituality are being respected. 
Gurus have identified this. They have identified that the Yoga and Spirituality are saleable commodities. The society has a good proportion of those who have a nostalgic nausea against this materialistic corporate work culture. Gurus have a readily available consumer group also.
It is really great.
The Yoga and Spirituality are part of a life style. This life style has an enriched cultural background. An egoless personality, God surrendered seeker, equanimity and a very receptive approach are some of the requisites of this spiritual background. In India this spiritual background was nurtured for about last five thousand years therefore it is highly content rich.
Gurus got a great reservoir also.
All conducive conditions are available as these were there in 8th-6th century BC time period. Gurus started efforts to repeat the history. Marx said that the history repeats itself first as a tragedy and second time as a comedy. But for spiritual movements it first occurred as concomitant happening and second time now as a combination of tragedy and comedy both.
Now the Aasans are being sold. Shops are fully decorated. Salesmen are sitting on the other side of the sale – counter. You tell them the name of any problem – physical, mental, spiritual or medical they have a prescription for you. Some are curing you with Aasans while others are having Prañayam for your treatment. There is a fair amount of competition among theses Gurus.  They want to have their customers more in number than those with their competitor. To retain their old customers these Gurus provide some packages on economy rates.
One Guru provided a weight loss by Aasans for a reasonable amount of fee. The other Guru provided the same weight loss by an easier method of Prañayam. As an incentive the later offered a more cost effective package at about 70% of money which the earlier asked. The third Guru then offered a combined package of Aasans and Prañayam for the same price as that of the second Guru. He announced a “Bumper Sale” to get double the benefit for the same money customers used to spend earlier. One more Guru offered a capsule course of “all Aasans prescribed by Patanjali”. He offered it at a comparatively higher price. He urged that a bit higher price for a genuine package was not a costlier deal.
Some students asked them that Patanjali did not mention any Aasans then how “all Aasans prescribed by Patanjali” were possible to be delivered. The Guru evaded the answer calling it a minor misunderstanding between the delivery department and the advertising department.
Gurus are busy in alluring the customers, they are busy in charming the customers, they are busy in mesmerizing the customers and they are busy in fascinating the customers. Customers are paying them money. Customers are getting delivery of spirituality; the spirituality delivered by the Gurus.
New tempting versions of Yoga and spirituality are brought to the satisfaction of the customers. Blessed Gurus are providing some specifically tailored editions of this spirituality to the customers. Customer’s satisfaction is the only goal. Gurus want to have their customers satisfied. Satisfied customers last long and pay more.
Look here! The customers are being enchanted. The enchanted customers pay money as the customers feel like consuming spirituality. They can pay for it and are paying for it. in exchange the customers are getting spirituality. This spirituality is being supplied by the Gurus. They supply it like the water works department supply water to the customers. Get water and pay money. Here the changed slogan is get spirituality and pay money. Those who are in want of spirituality are getting it. Those who are in want of money are getting it.
Those who are giving money find the value of money less than the value of spirituality which they are receiving. Those who are giving spirituality find the value of spirituality less than the value of the money which they are receiving. For customers the spirituality is worth receiving and for Gurus the money is worth receiving. They find the spirituality more tempting and they find the money more tempting.
Here are two sides. One enjoys the spirituality and the other enjoys the money. For the first one, the money is worthless against the spirituality and for the second one the spirituality is worthless against money. For convenience, you may call the first one …
Don’t you think that you have already heard a similar sentence some time back? Yes! right, it was in the beginning of this article.

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