Friday, April 30, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: Meditation Is a No Mind State

PS Malik speaks on: Meditation Is a No Mind State

Meditation is a state of no-mind. Mind is all evil. Meditation is a state of no-evil. Meditation is a state of pure consciousness with no content. Ordinarily, your consciousness is too full of rubbish, just like a mirror covered with dust. The mind is a constant traffic junction: Random thoughts are moving here, desires are moving, memories are moving, ambitions are moving - it is a continuously moving traffic! Day in, day out. Even when you are asleep the mind is working, it is dreaming. Its traffic is still moving; rushing with full vigor. The mind is still thinking; it is still in worries and anxieties. It is preparing for the next day; an underground preparation is going on.

This is the state of mind and mindfulness. This is the state of no meditation. Just the opposite is meditation. In Meditation there is no mind nor mindfulness. When there is no traffic of thoughts, no traffic of desires, no traffic of ambitions the thinking has ceased, no thoughts move, no desire stirs, you are utterly silent - that silence is meditation. And in that silence the truth is revealed, the truth is known, and never otherwise. Meditation is a state of no-mind.

The first thing is to know what meditation is. Everything else follows. I cannot say to you that you should do meditation; I can only explain to you what it is. If you understand me, you will be in meditation; there is no set of Dos and Donts.

And you cannot find meditation through the mind, because the mind will perpetuate itself. You can find meditation only by putting the mind aside, by being cool, indifferent, unidentified with the mind; by seeing the mind pass, but by not getting identified with it, not thinking that I am it.

Meditation Is No Mind State

Shreyas Malik

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy (Problem Part)

Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy I (Problem Part)

Human race was evolved biologically and then it raised itself culturally. Doctrines, morals, ethics, laws etc. are all part of this culture which the human race has developed. But different localities developed their cultures differently. They have variations.

The manner of procreation is one such area where this diversity is more noticeable. In defining and reshaping the better and appropriate mode of natural and non artificial mode of procreation we have to delve into the psyche of human beings as a species rather than as a political entity.

Politically there is no difference between a man and a woman. They both have rights to cast equal votes and perform same or similar political objectives. But some people, after starting it from this political equality have stretched it too far. They want to undo all the difference between man and woman even that difference is far beyond the political domain. For example, despite being of different physical structure and mental psyche woman was forced to pursue a political slogan and were asked to do the same things as a man used to do by his very nature.

There are so many areas of such forced compulsions. It is not possible to deal with all of them here in this small article. For the purpose only one such area is chosen and that is – procreation.

There are so many aspects of procreation also. Culturally in Hindu mythology before creating this world Lord Brahma created five mental creations i.e. Sanak, Sanandan, Sanat, Sanatan and Ribhu Kumar. These were determination, joy, authenticity, continuity and the effort. In fact these were the five broad principles on which this world was later created by him. Out of these five basic principles the second is joy. If Sanatan (i.e. the procreation) is not coupled with Sanandan (i.e. the joy) then this would have been a mistake of the Nature and the population of this world would have not increased so smoothly.

Similar parables are there in Christian mythology where the Adam and Eve were blessed with the joy (apple) and temptation for the continuity (the Satan). They had temptation to have joy and procreate. All cultures had attached joy with procreation in one or the other forms.

Some anthropologists contend that this was merely a manifestation of a physically existing fact in nature. But this epistemological discussion is not the objective here. The objective is to implore the Biological truth behind these cultural metaphors. This article seeks to delve into an area of human existence where this Political Entity “Man” is a Biological Being “Male”; where the Political Entity “Woman” is a Biological Being “Female”; and where this Cultural Process of “Procreation” is called Evolutionary Compulsion “Mating”.

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Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy I

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PS Malik speaks on: Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy (Problem Part)

Shreyas Malik

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Monday, April 26, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with .

Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with …

People come and ask me if sex is a taboo to attain awakening. And I always explain them that awakening and sex are two different stages. Awakening is a state of existence and sex may be used as a means to attain that state of existence. Sex is like a jungle. It allures people with its flowers; its fragrances; its fruits. But it offers a risk also. The risk of being lost inside it is there; and hence, mostly people have a fear of being lost in this jungle of flowers, fragrances and fruits. I ask my pupil that the journey for bliss cannot start with a fear. You start it with fearlessness. Do not be scared of sex. It is not scary. It is merely alluring; alluring to take you astray so long as you are not aware of the sex itself.


The basis of all sins is your ignorance. You are ignorant of sex and you have made it a sin; a taboo. You are ignorant of awakening and you have made it a ritual; a penance. You are ignorant of meditation and you have made it a mystical practice; an esoteric formula. When you enter meditation; when you start entering it you find that it was not so complicated as it was described by the experts.

Experts always make the things incomprehensible. They put simple things with such a great extensions of “ifs” and “buts” that a common person cannot understand it. The same has happened to both of the sex and the meditation. Both are very simple but Pundits have made them burdensome.

Sex is one of the natural tendencies of the body. Restraining it is unnatural. There are those who say avoid sex. They teach their lesson plans to people and the people find it difficult. On the other hand are those who preach to enjoy it like an animal. They induce you to the limits of pornographic domain to earn their monetary benefits. A common man finds himself in a fix. The first approach restrains you of your natural requirements and the second one drains you of your money, your self and the all.

I have shown my children, my pupils that a third option is also there. Both of the aforesaid groups mislead you only because of your ignorance. My point is – Just Be Awakened. Stop sleeping in a sleep of ignorance. Gurus, professionals, pornographers could mislead you only because you were not awakened – neither about the sex nor about the meditation.

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Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with …

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PS Malik speaks on: Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with …

Shreyas Malik

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Monday, April 19, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: WHO AM I?

Who am I?

The question "Who are you?" is one of those fundamental questions that is intimidating and almost unanswerable. It can mean so many different things, depending upon the desire of the person asking. Thus the questioner might be asking:

Please place yourself in the structured schema that I use to describe society and the world around me. In other words, give me a series of tags that I can use to categorize you.

 The answer to such a demand needs must depend upon the categories and tags that the questioner recognizes. Fortunately there are a large series of such tags that are commonly and conventionally recognized. Thus the categories of nationality, ethnic origin, gender, occupation, income, place of residence, marital status, hobbies and interests, religion, and political affiliation.

An answer in terms of these tags often suffices to satisfy the questioner because we all of us carry with mental schemas, lists of default assumptions about persons bearing said tags. This is a practical necessity - we cannot know everyone in intimate detail. These assumptions are only defaults; each individual holds its individuality. He is unique.

This form of the question is more of a "What are you?" than a "Who are you?" - that is, it reduces the person to a list of attributes.



There is another meaning that the question might take. It may be asked

... "Who are you?"

You are likely to utter, “I am Ramesh from London.”

"And if you weren't not of London, would you still be Ramesh?" may be the next question.

“Of course…  I ..." Ramesh might have replied.

"And if you were not Ramesh?" the question is likely to be continued "Would you still be you? If you were crippled, or old - if you became a leper, or lost your manhood - who would you be then?"

"I don't know -"

"You know."

An irony in this passage is that Ramesh, at that point, is traveling under a false identity.

The questionnaire presumes one of the great answers to the question of identity, which is that we have an inner essence which defines our self, the various attributes being trappings like the clothes we wear.


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Who am I?

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PS Malik speaks on: WHO AM I?

Shreyas Malik

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: Who is the Biggest - Me, My Mind or My God?

Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

This is a question you generally ask. You want to know the hierarchy; you want to know your position in the hierarchy so that you become satisfied. Others also ask it. They ask because they are not satisfied with what they know about it. They want to remove their dissatisfaction. They are dissatisfied with them and their information about their place. They have disturbance in them; in their minds. They invoke God just to inflate their status. God is merely an excuse. They want to give credence to their disturbance. They want either to repel the inconvenient part of their knowledge or they want a support to the convenient portion of their fumbling knowledge. But they want to know.

A good number of you claim that they know that they are an atman – a soul. They know that there is a God. They know that the God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. They learnt doctrines. On any availability of a chance you can speak a lot about you, your atman, your mind and your God. More learned you are more equipped you are to tell about you, your atman, your God and other related things and ideas.

On the other hand some of you know that you are a physical body; well proportionate mixture of chemicals which in their particular proportion create a sensation of self perception. You know hundreds of books on this aspect and further thousands of articles telling about the cosmological theories of celestial bodies. You claim to know the permutation of the celestial bodies, gravitational pull among them, conversion of celestial dust into white dwarf stars or the supernova via the state of being a star. You have theories in support of each of your arguments.

There are some others amongst you who are well indoctrinated about amino acids, developmental chronology of organic process on the planet earth, chromosomes, genes and a scores of concepts which were written by their predecessor colleagues in library books.

You know yourself either as a spirit i.e. atman or you know yourself as a physical body. Some of you might be knowing yourself as a combination of both of the atman and the body. Some others of you would be knowing yourself as a psychosomatic entity. Still some more among are possible who would be knowing yourself in some other ways, other permutations or combinations. Whatever form of yourself you know is an information based knowledge; a knowledge of yourself. You have a knowledge of yourself as you have the knowledge of parks in your locality, as you have the knowledge of rivers in a particular state or the knowledge of human skeleton as given in the books of biology. Your this knowledge flows from the information you receive. You know a fact on the basis of an information as it is made available to you. Please take notice that you know these facts of information as these are made available to you. You have not generated this knowledge. You have merely received an information from those to whom you appreciate and respect for their knowledge. But their knowledge is again a bundle of informations as it was yours. The only difference is the number of sticks in that bundle; the number of informations in that knowledge.

For complete article please visit:

Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

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PS Malik speaks on: Who is the Biggest – Me, My Mind or My God?

Shreyas Malik

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Thursday, April 8, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with .

Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with …

People come and ask me if sex is a taboo to attain awakening. And I always explain them that awakening and sex are two different stages. Awakening is a state of existence and sex may be used as a means to attain that state of existence. Sex is like a jungle. It allures people with its flowers; its fragrances; its fruits. But it offers a risk also. The risk of being lost inside it is there; and hence, mostly people have a fear of being lost in this jungle of flowers, fragrances and fruits. I ask my pupil that the journey for bliss cannot start with a fear. You start it with fearlessness. Do not be scared of sex. It is not scary. It is merely alluring; alluring to take you astray so long as you are not aware of the sex itself.


The basis of all sins is your ignorance. You are ignorant of sex and you have made it a sin; a taboo. You are ignorant of awakening and you have made it a ritual; a penance. You are ignorant of meditation and you have made it a mystical practice; an esoteric formula. When you enter meditation; when you start entering it you find that it was not so complicated as it was described by the experts.

Experts always make the things incomprehensible. They put simple things with such a great extensions of “ifs” and “buts” that a common person cannot understand it. The same has happened to both of the sex and the meditation. Both are very simple but Pundits have made them burdensome.

Sex is one of the natural tendencies of the body. Restraining it is unnatural. There are those who say avoid sex. They teach their lesson plans to people and the people find it difficult. On the other hand are those who preach to enjoy it like an animal. They induce you to the limits of pornographic domain to earn their monetary benefits. A common man finds himself in a fix. The first approach restrains you of your natural requirements and the second one drains you of your money, your self and the all.

I have shown my children, my pupils that a third option is also there. Both of the aforesaid groups mislead you only because of your ignorance. My point is – Just Be Awakened. Stop sleeping in a sleep of ignorance. Gurus, professionals, pornographers could mislead you only because you were not awakened – neither about the sex nor about the meditation.

For complete article please visit:

Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with …

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PS Malik speaks on: Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with …

Shreyas Malik

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Monday, April 5, 2010

PS Malik speaks on - Vigyan Bhairav Tantra: All 112 Methods

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra: All 112 Methods

One of the most ancient texts and meditation manuals is Shiva's 5000-year-old Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, which is concerned with how to go beyond the mind, to attain glimpse of the consciousness which exists apart from the mind. It is here that one should not be identified with the mind, and this is the fallacy of the West; that we are our minds. For us not to be identified with our minds, to know that the mind is only a moving process, like walking, but not the same as our consciousness, this is the message of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. And all the techniques of meditation are not concerned with how the mind operates, but rather are concerned only about how to find the door outside the mind to find the open sky of consciousness.

The very setting is most amazing. Unlike the neurotic anti-sex fundamentalism of monotheism, primarily Christianity, Islam and all repressive teachings, the setting here is Shiva speaking to Diva, while she is sitting in intercourse on his lap! Tantra sex is a valley of relaxation that energizes each person, verses what we know as sex to be; a peak of energy that is to be released. The words of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra were originally written in a love language of depth we have yet to fully understand. And in such love, like meditation and death, there is a complete surrendering and letting go to the Tao. This is the setting of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra.

Complete surrendering itself needs no methods, no techniques, however it is the question of how to surrender, thus the techniques.

Osho, from his commentary on the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, in the Book of Secrets, under a section commenting on the stop techniques, writes:

"Gurdjieff made these (stop) techniques very well-known in the West, but he was not aware of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. He learned these techniques in Tibet from Buddhist lamas. He worked on these techniques in the West, and many, many seekers came to realized the center through these techniques. He called them stop exercises, but the source of these exercises is Vigyan Bhairav Tantra.

Devi Asks:

O Shiva, what is your reality?

What is this wonder-filled universe?

What constitutes seed?

Who centers the universal wheel?

What is this life beyond form pervading forms?

How may we enter it fully, above space and time, names and descriptions? Let my doubts be cleared!

Shiva replies:

To read the complete article click:

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra: All 112 Methods

It would be better if you can use any other browser than internet explorer

Shreyas Malik

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Saturday, April 3, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: Could Shankaračharya foresee Einstein

Could Shankaračharya foresee Einstein

Einstein was the greatest scientist this humanity has ever produced. He was not only the summation of the scientific progress made by the human race but was also a path breaker. He paved way for the scientists to to think about “The Infinity” which was by that time only a synonym of an absurd. He showed the limitations of human efforts by showing that there was an ultimate speed with which an action could propagate in space. Einstein said that it was the speed of light.

Einstein was the first scientist who based his theory on the foundations of relativity. He said nothing in this was absolute. Everything is measured in relation to something else. A passenger inside a bus moves with relation relative to the floor of the bus. The bus is moving relative to the earth. The earth is moving in relation to the sun. The sun also moves relative to some other points in the galaxy. This hierarchy is never ending. It goes on. The same is true about the mass and the length of an object. The mass of an object is measured relative to the mass of a standard weight which may be a kilogram, a pound or a stone etc. the length of an object (length means all dimension including length, breadth and depth etc.). The Einstein summed up all his results of relativity in his ‘The Special Theory of Relativity’.

For Einstein, the speed of light could not be transcended. It was a boundary of human efforts. With his Special Theory of Relativity he showed that if the speed of an object (in scientific language an object means a particle) is increased several unbelievable effects are observed. The mass of that object starts increasing with the increase in its speed (scientific word is velocity). At a speed near that of the light the mass of an object becomes infinitely high and at a speed equal to that of the light the mass of that object is infinite. Mass increases with the speed of an object was a new theory for the contemporary scientific community. It was very difficult for them to understand this new theory from Einstein. Einstein proved it theoretically.

Similar results were obtained by Einstein for the effects of speed on the length of an object and time passed in a moving clock. He postulated that the length of an object starts contracting with an increase in its speed. At the ultimate speed, the length of an object becomes perfectly zero. It becomes a point without dimensions. Similarly with an increase in speed the time for the moving object passes slowly. This is called dilation of time. At the maximum speed (equal to that of the light) no time passes for the moving object.


Einstein, first of all, took the sciences from the domain of observation to the realm of hypothesizing. Hitherto the sciences talked in terms of “apparent reality” while Einstein started the era of relativity. He violated the boundary of “apparent and comprehensible” and entered the zone of “strange but true”. He showed that his hypothesis was a general applicability and the then prevailing scientific beliefs were a special case of his theory of Relativity. He did never show that the prevailing and perceivable Newtonian mechanics was wrong rather he only said that the truth lies beyond that perceivable sciences also.


Advait Vedanta propounded the oneness of this world, however he manifested the relative existence at more than one level. Advait Vedanta propounded that the total existence is at three relative levels. First level is Pratibhasik or apparent. Here the knowledge is always full of illusion and as soon as the right cause is remedied this Pratibhasik appearance is lost and Pragmatic level of existence called Vyavharik Gyan would come into play.


The existence of Maya is only for Brahamgyanis. For a common man there is nothing called Maya. For him everything in the world and of the world is a truth. The mountains are true, flowers are true, deities are true, the god is true, so on and so forth. It is not the object specific. It does not depends on the objects. It does not depend on the world or the seeker rather it depends on the level of the seeker’s knowledge. By the time the knowledge or Gyan of the seeker does not transcend the Vyavharik level and attain Parmarthik level of Gyan there is no contradiction in taking this world as true. But once the knowledge enters the domain of Parmarthik Gyan everything of this world becomes Mithya and only the Braham is the absolute there.

To read the complete article click

Could Shankaračharya foresee Einstein 

Shreyas Malik

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous

Thursday, April 1, 2010

PS Malik speaks on - Vigyan Bhairav Tantra: All 112 Methods

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra: All 112 Methods

One of the most ancient texts and meditation manuals is Shiva's 5000-year-old Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, which is concerned with how to go beyond the mind, to attain glimpse of the consciousness which exists apart from the mind. It is here that one should not be identified with the mind, and this is the fallacy of the West; that we are our minds. For us not to be identified with our minds, to know that the mind is only a moving process, like walking, but not the same as our consciousness, this is the message of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. And all the techniques of meditation are not concerned with how the mind operates, but rather are concerned only about how to find the door outside the mind to find the open sky of consciousness.

The very setting is most amazing. Unlike the neurotic anti-sex fundamentalism of monotheism, primarily Christianity, Islam and all repressive teachings, the setting here is Shiva speaking to Diva, while she is sitting in intercourse on his lap! Tantra sex is a valley of relaxation that energizes each person, verses what we know as sex to be; a peak of energy that is to be released. The words of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra were originally written in a love language of depth we have yet to fully understand. And in such love, like meditation and death, there is a complete surrendering and letting go to the Tao. This is the setting of the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra.

Complete surrendering itself needs no methods, no techniques, however it is the question of how to surrender, thus the techniques.

Osho, from his commentary on the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, in the Book of Secrets, under a section commenting on the stop techniques, writes:

"Gurdjieff made these (stop) techniques very well-known in the West, but he was not aware of Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. He learned these techniques in Tibet from Buddhist lamas. He worked on these techniques in the West, and many, many seekers came to realized the center through these techniques. He called them stop exercises, but the source of these exercises is Vigyan Bhairav Tantra.

Devi Asks:

O Shiva, what is your reality?

What is this wonder-filled universe?

What constitutes seed?

Who centers the universal wheel?

What is this life beyond form pervading forms?

How may we enter it fully, above space and time, names and descriptions? Let my doubts be cleared!

Shiva replies:

To read the complete article click:

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra: All 112 Methods

It would be better if you can use any other browser than internet explorer

Shreyas Malik

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Posted via email from Pratap's posterous