Wednesday, January 27, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: Stress is an Opportunity

PS Malik speaks on: Stress is an Opportunity

Stress is an Opportunity

One has to become more accepting of all the ups and downs in life. There is a rhythm: sometimes you feel that you are in tune, sometimes you feel that you are not in tune; that is all natural. It is like day and night, summer and winter. One has to learn the shadow part of everything. If you cannot accept the shadow part you become unnecessarily disturbed, and that disturbance will make things more complicated.


When something beautiful happens, accept it, feel grateful; when it doesn’t happen, accept that too and continue to feel grateful, knowing that this is just a resting period. For the whole day you have worked, and in the night you fall asleep - you don’t feel miserable because you are not able to work and earn money and do a thousand and one things, and there are so many things to do. You don’t worry about it!

There are people who start worrying. Then they start losing sleep. They are not benefited by it. The person who has not been able to sleep in the night feels exhausted in the morning. Next day he feels more tired than he was at previous night. The person who forgets the whole day and accepts night as a rest, and goes into deep relaxation, will be able to live again in the morning with new eyes and new being. He will be able to accept the new day and welcome it. He will be glad to breathe the air again and to see the sun and people.

… …

When stress is there, use it as creative energy. First, acknowledge it; there is no need to fight with it. Accept it, it is perfectly okay. Stress is simply an indication that the body is getting ready to fight with the situation. Now you try to relax or you take painkillers or you take tranquilizers; you are going against the body.


The body is getting ready to fight a certain situation, a certain challenge that is there before you. The body is accumulating its energy and spirit necessary to fight. You are making body not to accumulate. Something is wrong in your action.


Enjoy the challenge!

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Stress is an Opportunity

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy (Problem Part)

Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy I (Problem Part)

Human race was evolved biologically and then it raised itself culturally. Doctrines, morals, ethics, laws etc. are all part of this culture which the human race has developed. But different localities developed their cultures differently. They have variations.

The manner of procreation is one such area where this diversity is more noticeable. In defining and reshaping the better and appropriate mode of natural and non artificial mode of procreation we have to delve into the psyche of human beings as a species rather than as a political entity.

Politically there is no difference between a man and a woman. They both have rights to cast equal votes and perform same or similar political objectives. But some people, after starting it from this political equality have stretched it too far. They want to undo all the difference between man and woman even that difference is far beyond the political domain. For example, despite being of different physical structure and mental psyche woman was forced to pursue a political slogan and were asked to do the same things as a man used to do by his very nature.

There are so many areas of such forced compulsions. It is not possible to deal with all of them here in this small article. For the purpose only one such area is chosen and that is – procreation.

There are so many aspects of procreation also. Culturally in Hindu mythology before creating this world Lord Brahma created five mental creations i.e. Sanak, Sanandan, Sanat, Sanatan and Ribhu Kumar. These were determination, joy, authenticity, continuity and the effort. In fact these were the five broad principles on which this world was later created by him. Out of these five basic principles the second is joy. If Sanatan (i.e. the procreation) is not coupled with Sanandan (i.e. the joy) then this would have been a mistake of the Nature and the population of this world would have not increased so smoothly.

Similar parables are there in Christian mythology where the Adam and Eve were blessed with the joy (apple) and temptation for the continuity (the Satan). They had temptation to have joy and procreate. All cultures had attached joy with procreation in one or the other forms.

Some anthropologists contend that this was merely a manifestation of a physically existing fact in nature. But this epistemological discussion is not the objective here. The objective is to implore the Biological truth behind these cultural metaphors. This article seeks to delve into an area of human existence where this Political Entity “Man” is a Biological Being “Male”; where the Political Entity “Woman” is a Biological Being “Female”; and where this Cultural Process of “Procreation” is called Evolutionary Compulsion “Mating”.

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Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy I

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PS Malik speaks on: Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy (Problem Part)

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Friday, January 22, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: If You Remain Alive The Society Will Not..

If You Remain Alive The Society Will Not..

The message in this article is new. It may startle a few readers. If it is so you repeat reading this article and do so by the time this entire vision is clear on you. Thereafter it is upon you to choose it or reject it.

 … …

After your coming to this world no one asked you about your choice regarding your name, caste, religion, morality, ethics and the content of the books given to you for reading. All these things have been imbibed in your mind as 'essential's. For example if you belong to a religion X, then all scriptures of that religion were emptied in your brain. You were made to cram all these. Sometimes in consciousness and some other times in unconsciousness; you were continuously given a feed of values; values of religion, values of morality, values of ethics and so on so forth. This giving was sometimes in the name of honesty and some other time in the name of those values which the giver thought that it would be in your benefit to receive them. Only the giver and the given values were prominent. You were forgotten altogether.

… …

This is the real predicament. The one who is given a value system is in the last row. Only the giver and given value are considered of paramount importance. They are busy in injecting the values in you. They don't give you time to think over the process. They know it very well that you would receive these injections of values by the time you are not aware of the nature of these injections. Once you are full of vigor of your own, then you need no injection. Your social champions know this. That's why they don't allow you to think on your own. Before you are able to think independently they just want to fill you with their infrastructure so that your future thinking is always suitable to them.

Here is the problem, just focus it. They make you, they prepare you as a thinking machine for them and giving results to meet their requirements. They want to overpower your thinking faculties. They are successful to some extent; as you being in a deep sleep are allowing them to succeed in their plans. Your mind has become their warehouse and your thoughts have become a perpetually working machine, working for them. You now are capable to think only those areas and procedures which had been yielding products according to the infrastructure provided by them.

After studying economics for 20 years one usually claims that he is a renowned economist and is now able to give society something valuable. Just think what something valuable he would give to the society. He would try to duplicate his brain in the new potential-areas. He would duplicate himself in the future as he himself was a result of duplication in the past. This is a continuity of duplication. Duplicates are being prepared. The nature gave you a uniqueness and they have suppressed it and duplicity was filled in you. You are not you as born - the unique; but you are as you were prepared - merely a duplicate.

This duplicity is the problem of today's mankind.

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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Tips to make female workers more efficient!

Tips to make female workers more efficient!


They are known for gossiping in the office and spend a lot of time in the loo, but when it comes to getting work from the female employees, a lot has to be kept in mind.


1.           Pick young, married women. They are more responsible, less flirtatious, need the work and still have the pep and interest to work hard and deal with the public efficiently.

2.           Where you have to use older women, try to get ones who have worked outside the home. Women who have never contacted the public are inclined to be fussy and cantankerous. It's always well to impress upon them the importance of friendliness and courtesy.

3.           Experience indicates that "husky" girls – just a little on the heavy side – are more even-tempered and efficient.

4.           Retain a physician to give each woman you hire a special physical examination, covering female conditions. This protects against lawsuits and reveals any weaknesses that would make her mentally or physically unfit for the job. 

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Tips to make female workers more efficient!

Shreyas Malik

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PS Malik speaks on: Psychology of Love

Psychology of Love


Which are the love relationships we hold most dear and would most like to duplicate in our own lives? That enduring closeness and collegiality make the most inspiring model of love in our time is one of several surprises that turned up in a new PSYCHOLOGY TODAY survey.


First bit of advice from the resulting road map to romance:

Save your money:


Some 62 percent of respondents consider a bouquet of wildflowers spontaneously plucked from the side of the road to be much more romantic than a dozen long-stemmed red roses; just 38 percent felt otherwise.


And almost two to one they prefer a candlelit dinner at home to one at a fancy restaurant (66 to 34 percent).


Men and women may not speak the same language, but they select the same ideal of love.


Psychology of Love

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Friday, January 15, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: Meditation and Orgasm

Meditation and Orgasm

The experience of orgasm itself is always nonsexual. Even though you have achieved it through sex, it itself has no sexuality in it.


You can reach to orgasm through sex. It is a merger of the negative and the positive polarities -- such a deep merger that the man is no longer man, the woman is no longer woman. They are not two; there is only one energy surrounding them both. They have melted into that energy.


It may be for a moment -- that does not matter -- but the experience itself has nothing to do with sex.


The first orgasm is bound to be attained through sex. And my own understanding is that meditation has grown out of the experience of orgasm, because the original founders -- particularly Shiva who, in his Vigyan Bhairva Tantra, has written, just like a scientific formula, about one hundred and twelve meditations; each meditation just in one line or two lines.... The man is tremendously aphoristic. Those one hundred and twelve sutras are just like seeds. He has condensed everything about the method in them.


He is also known as a great lover. Perhaps he was the first man to discover meditation. And it can be very scientifically assumed that whoever experienced orgasm, if he had a little intelligence, would have seen that although it has come through sex, it itself is a nonsexual experience.


That gives the insight that there may be possibilities of reaching it through nonsexual means, because it is not sexual itself, so sexuality is not necessarily the only way.


It does not need much intelligence if you experience it and see clearly that it does not have any impact of sexuality. Perhaps sexuality created the background, the groundwork in which it happened. But the experience of orgasm itself does not remind you of sex; it is purely spiritual.


Whoever experienced this must have concluded then that there can be other ways to reach it -- because sex is not necessarily a part of it. There is no color, nor any impression of sex left in it. Then he must have watched how it happens. And then things are very clear: the moment the orgasm happens, time stops, you forget about time. Your mind stops, you do not think anymore. There is tremendous calmness, and a great awareness.


Meditation and Orgasm

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: Could Shankaračharya foresee Einstein

Could Shankaračharya foresee Einstein

Einstein was the greatest scientist this humanity has ever produced. He was not only the summation of the scientific progress made by the human race but was also a path breaker. He paved way for the scientists to to think about “The Infinity” which was by that time only a synonym of an absurd. He showed the limitations of human efforts by showing that there was an ultimate speed with which an action could propagate in space. Einstein said that it was the speed of light.

Einstein was the first scientist who based his theory on the foundations of relativity. He said nothing in this was absolute. Everything is measured in relation to something else. A passenger inside a bus moves with relation relative to the floor of the bus. The bus is moving relative to the earth. The earth is moving in relation to the sun. The sun also moves relative to some other points in the galaxy. This hierarchy is never ending. It goes on. The same is true about the mass and the length of an object. The mass of an object is measured relative to the mass of a standard weight which may be a kilogram, a pound or a stone etc. the length of an object (length means all dimension including length, breadth and depth etc.). The Einstein summed up all his results of relativity in his ‘The Special Theory of Relativity’.

For Einstein, the speed of light could not be transcended. It was a boundary of human efforts. With his Special Theory of Relativity he showed that if the speed of an object (in scientific language an object means a particle) is increased several unbelievable effects are observed. The mass of that object starts increasing with the increase in its speed (scientific word is velocity). At a speed near that of the light the mass of an object becomes infinitely high and at a speed equal to that of the light the mass of that object is infinite. Mass increases with the speed of an object was a new theory for the contemporary scientific community. It was very difficult for them to understand this new theory from Einstein. Einstein proved it theoretically.

Similar results were obtained by Einstein for the effects of speed on the length of an object and time passed in a moving clock. He postulated that the length of an object starts contracting with an increase in its speed. At the ultimate speed, the length of an object becomes perfectly zero. It becomes a point without dimensions. Similarly with an increase in speed the time for the moving object passes slowly. This is called dilation of time. At the maximum speed (equal to that of the light) no time passes for the moving object.


Einstein, first of all, took the sciences from the domain of observation to the realm of hypothesizing. Hitherto the sciences talked in terms of “apparent reality” while Einstein started the era of relativity. He violated the boundary of “apparent and comprehensible” and entered the zone of “strange but true”. He showed that his hypothesis was a general applicability and the then prevailing scientific beliefs were a special case of his theory of Relativity. He did never show that the prevailing and perceivable Newtonian mechanics was wrong rather he only said that the truth lies beyond that perceivable sciences also.


Advait Vedanta propounded the oneness of this world, however he manifested the relative existence at more than one level. Advait Vedanta propounded that the total existence is at three relative levels. First level is Pratibhasik or apparent. Here the knowledge is always full of illusion and as soon as the right cause is remedied this Pratibhasik appearance is lost and Pragmatic level of existence called Vyavharik Gyan would come into play.


The existence of Maya is only for Brahamgyanis. For a common man there is nothing called Maya. For him everything in the world and of the world is a truth. The mountains are true, flowers are true, deities are true, the god is true, so on and so forth. It is not the object specific. It does not depends on the objects. It does not depend on the world or the seeker rather it depends on the level of the seeker’s knowledge. By the time the knowledge or Gyan of the seeker does not transcend the Vyavharik level and attain Parmarthik level of Gyan there is no contradiction in taking this world as true. But once the knowledge enters the domain of Parmarthik Gyan everything of this world becomes Mithya and only the Braham is the absolute there.

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Could Shankaračharya foresee Einstein 

Shreyas Malik

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PS Malik speaks on: How to Enter Meditation

How to Enter Meditation

Meditation is a stage when you are in interview with yourself. When you are meeting yourself you are in meditation. It is as simple as that. All natural events are simple. These are the Pundits who make a thing complicated. Breathing takes place in a natural way; it takes place with mathematical calculations, without scientific theories and formulae. So is the happening of hunger, love, sleep and sex. All they just happen in the most simple manner.

They all become complicated and complex when it comes the turn of Pundits to explain them. They give theories, formulae and other explanations. Pundits make all simple things difficult. So they have done with Yoga and Meditation. The existence of Pundits is dependent on their making the things complicated. If they do not make the things difficult then nobody will go to them to seek their help. Pundits have a vested interest in complicating the things.

This time they have 'Yoga and Meditation' in their clutches. Yoga and Meditation are the most natural body poses and practices which keep the working of body parts in tandem with one another. Yoga brings one’s body and mind in conjunction. It nothing adds from outside. It just uncovers what is hidden there inside a person. One has to locate his real self. And that’s it.

India is the birth place of Yoga. This is undisputed. In India it is undisputed that the first and foremost treatise on 'Yoga and Meditation' was written by Patanjali in his book YOGSUTRA. Only a few people know that Patanjali has not given even a single Aasan. All these Aasans were added subsequently. Pundits have added them. They are still adding depending upon the gravity of the pocket of their customers. But with utmost sincerity all the Aasans are being sold in the name of Patanjali and Yogsutra.   

How to Enter Meditation

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Fasting is a Torture

Fasting is a Torture

Religions have been telling people, “Fast and that will purify you.” If that is true, then the starving millions of the world will be the most pure people. Then don’t help them! Don’t make them impure! Let them starve and die; they are the most virtuous people in the world. But it has no relationship.

To destroy evil, all kinds of idiotic things have been suggested. They have to be idiotic because there is no evil in the first place, so whatever you suggest is going to be meaningless, irrelevant.

You need not torture yourself, because by torturing you cannot transform yourself. You need not stand on your head and do Yoga postures, distorting your body this way and that way. If you are preparing for a circus, that is another thing, but if all these Yoga practitioners reach heaven, then God must be surrounded by a continuous circus — all over paradise people are doing strange and distorting things.

Yoga cannot purify you. It may give you better health. I am in absolute support of Yoga as being part of gymnasiums, but not as part of temples. In the gymnasium it has a contribution to make. It can give you better health, longer life; it can prevent many possible diseases; it can cure many diseases that are already with you. But it cannot transform that which is not-good into good, because it cannot give you awareness.

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Fasting is a Torture



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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: Fear of Death or Fear of Life

Fear of Death or Fear of Life


People take birth. They grow. And then they die. They celebrate their birth but they mourn their death. They are receptive of their new births and scared of their coming deaths. They treat these two poles of life differently.


When they are confronted with their death they want to do something different what they were not doing before that. When they bring others to death (by judicial hangings etc.) they want to know their last wish. When someone is brought to death they are shocked.


After birth a human being weaves a web of relations around him. He becomes a son or a daughter. Then he starts acquiring his identifications – his gender, his name, his qualification and so many other things. He starts identifying himself against this background of relations and identifications. This places him in a state of convenience. Being a boy or a girl allows him / her to some prerogatives which are not available to the other sex. His being a Christian or a Buddhist places him in some other privileged state where other religions do not sooth. His education and other attributes also allow him to have some privileges and conveniences. He starts identifying himself amongst these privileges and identities.


A professor many a time is antagonized with his new transferred postings despite the same service benefits. He finds himself more convenient in the earlier situation. At the end of life when one is habitual of wives, children, status and money - the idea to leave this all and that too at once frightens him. He wants to have all while the death is allowing him nothing.


So when one is confronted with the idea of one’s imminent and inescapable death he is in a fix. He wants to do something to avoid it, something to flee from it but he cannot. His this helplessness appears on the outermost layer of his existence. He wants to release that energy. So many a times whenever you are aware of your imminent death you want to do something.

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Fear of Death or Fear of Life

PS Malik speaks on: Fear of Death or Fear of Life

Shreyas Malik

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PS Malik speaks on: Mediocre Minds Plead Reason, Higher Ones Transcend it ...

PS Malik speaks on: Mediocre Minds Plead Reason, Higher Ones Transcend it ...

The request to the learned readers is that this article touches the very existence of the human understanding therefore it sometime offends against the established beliefs and on other times it proposes new intellectual horizons. The subject matter of this article is a bit difficult, scientific and philosophical therefore a patience is humbly requested for.

When the science broke a particle a new sub-particle level was found. It was, therefore inferred that one day as the technology provides a suitable gadget the ultimate sub-level will be discovered and thereafter the sciences will reach their summit. This optimism of people about the ultimate reality through the scientific methods made them develop a psychological mental framework regarding the superiority of sciences, matter, objectivity, reason etc.


Then it came the twentieth century. A scientific revolution also came along with. Einstein, Heisenberg, Dirac, Plank, Bohr, Bose, Schrödinger and a lot more scientists joined the stride. Einstein told people that it was not the matter only but the energy was also equally important. Matter and energy were inter-convertible. When this all was on, Heisenberg put forward his revolutionary idea. He said that the position and velocity of a particle both cannot be ascertained simultaneously with the same precision. He gave a particular number that the imprecision would always be greater than that number. As per Prof. Dave MacCallum, November 20th, 2000 (Ref: ) later it was realized that Heisenberg's uncertainty principle applied not only to the relationship between momentum and position, but between non-continuous observables. If the spin of a particle in the z direction is known, then the spin in the y direction cannot be known. This is equivalent to the probabilistic aspects of quantum mechanics demonstrated in the Stern-Gerlach measurements and in the Copenhagen interpretation of the wave-equation. These probabilistic results are quite disturbing for a belief in absolute truth.

These conclusions of Einstein attack the “Reality” in two ways. Firstly, as no action can move faster than light therefore the mankind is always constricted to have a very limited glance of the universe. They can not know the universe as it is “Now and Here”. If a space station receives a signal from a celestial body ten billion light years away then it means that they view that celestial body as it was ten billion years back and they have no means to know how it is now. Today’s picture would be available ten billion years henceforth. This is a mechanism in the nature itself that it has not allowed you to look it “all at once”.

There are two types of subatomic particles – fermions and bosons. Fermions have some characteristic values assigned to them (called their quantum numbers) while the bosons do not. No two bosons are distinguishable from each other. Are they all one – as per the Law of Identity? If not, is this some illusion? Scientists say that these bosons contribute more than the contribution of fermions in this universe. Then, for being violative of the Law of Identity, is this world a hallucination? Those who cite Aristotle even for curing a rotten tooth will not find a satisfying answer here. Leave them.

Now come to “reason”. (As per Wikipedia) The concept of reason is connected to the concept of language, as reflected in the meanings of the Greek word "logos", later to be translated by Latin "ratio" and then French "raison", from which the English word derived. As reason, rationality, and logic are all associated with the ability of the human mind to predict effects as based upon presumed causes, the word "reason" also denotes a ground or basis for a particular argument, and hence is used synonymously with the word "cause".

A few things about “Reason” should be made clear. “Reason” is associated to those things which are the past expereince. No reason can be addressed to some new situations. No body can reason the behaviour of a human body on a new planet. For that he needs to know the pressure, temperature, oxygen etc. over there and then he would relate those variables to his past experience as to how a varied composition of these variables affects a human body. No body can address a reason for a planet X having an atmosphere of gas Y and a temperature T and pressure P unless some pre-known values are given to these variables X, Y, T, P. You can not rely upon a reason until select to be revolving in a given periphery of already known situations.

What has been seen so far is that the logic is nothing but a linguistic game like a game of riddles and puzzles. Reason makes you revolve round in a given periphery and by its nature it is deaf for the unknown circumstances, may it be of unknown future or of unknown experience. It is useless there. The logic and the reason both follow the languages. They end where the languages cease to prevail. The languages are not natural. They are artificial. The logic and the reason stand even on a lowere padestal simply because they need that artificial language for their own life.

Only the science remains to explore new things. It reveals new aspects of the existence but not through the logic or the reason. It does so through the observation and the explorations. That is why sometime on a new discovery they do not have a diction-backup and use some ad-hoc words like Young’s modulus, Raman effect, Chandrashekhar limit or Hubble Telescope. The sciences do not follow languages. They follow the existence. But here again there is a problem, however of different kind.

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Mediocre Minds Plead Reason, Higher Ones Transcend it ...

Shreyas Malik

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PS Malik speaks on: Who is the Biggest - Me, My Mind or My God?

Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

This is a question you generally ask. You want to know the hierarchy; you want to know your position in the hierarchy so that you become satisfied. Others also ask it. They ask because they are not satisfied with what they know about it. They want to remove their dissatisfaction. They are dissatisfied with them and their information about their place. They have disturbance in them; in their minds. They invoke God just to inflate their status. God is merely an excuse. They want to give credence to their disturbance. They want either to repel the inconvenient part of their knowledge or they want a support to the convenient portion of their fumbling knowledge. But they want to know.

A good number of you claim that they know that they are an atman – a soul. They know that there is a God. They know that the God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. They learnt doctrines. On any availability of a chance you can speak a lot about you, your atman, your mind and your God. More learned you are more equipped you are to tell about you, your atman, your God and other related things and ideas.

On the other hand some of you know that you are a physical body; well proportionate mixture of chemicals which in their particular proportion create a sensation of self perception. You know hundreds of books on this aspect and further thousands of articles telling about the cosmological theories of celestial bodies. You claim to know the permutation of the celestial bodies, gravitational pull among them, conversion of celestial dust into white dwarf stars or the supernova via the state of being a star. You have theories in support of each of your arguments.

There are some others amongst you who are well indoctrinated about amino acids, developmental chronology of organic process on the planet earth, chromosomes, genes and a scores of concepts which were written by their predecessor colleagues in library books.

You know yourself either as a spirit i.e. atman or you know yourself as a physical body. Some of you might be knowing yourself as a combination of both of the atman and the body. Some others of you would be knowing yourself as a psychosomatic entity. Still some more among are possible who would be knowing yourself in some other ways, other permutations or combinations. Whatever form of yourself you know is an information based knowledge; a knowledge of yourself. You have a knowledge of yourself as you have the knowledge of parks in your locality, as you have the knowledge of rivers in a particular state or the knowledge of human skeleton as given in the books of biology. Your this knowledge flows from the information you receive. You know a fact on the basis of an information as it is made available to you. Please take notice that you know these facts of information as these are made available to you. You have not generated this knowledge. You have merely received an information from those to whom you appreciate and respect for their knowledge. But their knowledge is again a bundle of informations as it was yours. The only difference is the number of sticks in that bundle; the number of informations in that knowledge.

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Who is the biggest Me, My Mind or My God?

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PS Malik speaks on: Who is the Biggest – Me, My Mind or My God?

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Thursday, January 7, 2010



The morality, the ethics and the practices recommended by them are to regulate the behaviour of an individual towards others. These others may be the other members of the same society or the members of some others societies.

Subsequently societies developed their political set ups also to evolve new practices; enforce them and also punish for their violation. This branch assumed the name of the law and law Courts.

But this all including the morality, the ethics and the law were only to regulate the outer behaviour of a subject. This is all external; imposed from outside; enforced from outside and observed from outside. No society or system will object to your most contrary beliefs and notions so long as your external conduct is in conformity with its morals or laws. The societies have nothing to do with your internal fabric. They are in expectations of your external conduct to be in conformity with their practices – the morals or the ethics or the laws.

All morals, ethics and laws presuppose the existence of others. This existence of others is independent of anyone else in the society. The morals, ethics and the laws are all Bipolar Processes. It envisages YOU the doer and those OTHERS who would face the result of your deeds. These morals, ethics and the laws are the bridges bridging the individuals. For all the morals, ethics and the laws (hereinafter these will collectively be termed as External Trio) the existence of plurality of individuals is an essence. Without a plurality and the interconnections amongst that plurality this External Trio is void ab initio. It is meaningless. It loses its worth.

Now take the spirituality. But before entering the domain of spirituality the meaning of “Bipolar Process” ought to be made clear. This “Bipolar Process” was discussed in the preceding paragraphs while dealing with the issue of the External Trio. It was said there that this External Trio is essentially a Bipolar Process involving “You” and “the Others”.

The outside world enters you as sensations through your senses. Your mind processes these sensations and produces information or knowledge for you. All the empirical knowledge has two components. One is the sensation from the outer world and the other is the processed product of your mind.

When the concepts of one person are expressed to others it is through verbal conversation. In all verbal conversations there are generally two elements one relates to the fact regarding the sensation you received through your senses and the other is the mental element provided by your mind. When the facts are in contradistinction to each others a mental element is taken recourse of to overcome the stagnation of contradistinction of facts. “Ram steals bread to feed a starving person” involves two facts (may be moral or legal or ethical) in contradistinction to each other. The matter is resolved by a mental process giving more weight to one fact over the other.

These mental elements embedding the sensations are called thoughts. The thoughts are essentially based on sensations received by your senses. May be, some thoughts appear to be free from the empirical basis. But it is not so.

You may think of an animal with the tail like a horse and the body like a lion. But it is nothing more than a new permutation – combination of your sensation about tail, horse, lion and body etc. Your mind gives these combinations new names as a child gives different names to the different shapes made from the same clay.


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PS Malik speaks on: Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy (Problem Part)

Male needs Polygyny, Man finds Monogamy I (Problem Part)

Human race was evolved biologically and then it raised itself culturally. Doctrines, morals, ethics, laws etc. are all part of this culture which the human race has developed. But different localities developed their cultures differently. They have variations.

The manner of procreation is one such area where this diversity is more noticeable. In defining and reshaping the better and appropriate mode of natural and non artificial mode of procreation we have to delve into the psyche of human beings as a species rather than as a political entity.

Politically there is no difference between a man and a woman. They both have rights to cast equal votes and perform same or similar political objectives. But some people, after starting it from this political equality have stretched it too far. They want to undo all the difference between man and woman even that difference is far beyond the political domain. For example, despite being of different physical structure and mental psyche woman was forced to pursue a political slogan and were asked to do the same things as a man used to do by his very nature.

There are so many areas of such forced compulsions. It is not possible to deal with all of them here in this small article. For the purpose only one such area is chosen and that is – procreation.

There are so many aspects of procreation also. Culturally in Hindu mythology before creating this world Lord Brahma created five mental creations i.e. Sanak, Sanandan, Sanat, Sanatan and Ribhu Kumar. These were determination, joy, authenticity, continuity and the effort. In fact these were the five broad principles on which this world was later created by him. Out of these five basic principles the second is joy. If Sanatan (i.e. the procreation) is not coupled with Sanandan (i.e. the joy) then this would have been a mistake of the Nature and the population of this world would have not increased so smoothly.

Similar parables are there in Christian mythology where the Adam and Eve were blessed with the joy (apple) and temptation for the continuity (the Satan). They had temptation to have joy and procreate. All cultures had attached joy with procreation in one or the other forms.

Some anthropologists contend that this was merely a manifestation of a physically existing fact in nature. But this epistemological discussion is not the objective here. The objective is to implore the Biological truth behind these cultural metaphors. This article seeks to delve into an area of human existence where this Political Entity “Man” is a Biological Being “Male”; where the Political Entity “Woman” is a Biological Being “Female”; and where this Cultural Process of “Procreation” is called Evolutionary Compulsion “Mating”.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Do Attractive Women Always Get the Man?

Do Attractive Women Always Get the Man?


It's a dating myth that the more physically attractive you are to a man, the more a man will want you in his life. THE REAL TRUTH IS;

The less you care about how physically attractive you are to a man, the more a man will want you in his life.

How much does the way you look matter to you? Do you want to make men crazy with desire for you? Your appearance may initially attract a man to you, but it won't guarantee he'll stick around. There are many beautiful, single women who aren't in a relationship and find it difficult to find a man who wants to commit to them exclusively, and the reason is this:


Men are attracted emotionally to women who do not care how physically attractive a man thinks they look


Women who need attention and praise from a man to feel beautiful are women men do not pursue for anything other than sexual fulfillment. So why then, do men seem so obsessed with how attractive a woman is and stare at attractive women all the time?

Why do men seem so obsessed with a woman's appearance?

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Do Attractive Women Always Get the Man?

Shreyas Malik

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PS Malik speaks on: Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with .

Sex and Meditation are two alternative ways to begin with …

People come and ask me if sex is a taboo to attain awakening. And I always explain them that awakening and sex are two different stages. Awakening is a state of existence and sex may be used as a means to attain that state of existence. Sex is like a jungle. It allures people with its flowers; its fragrances; its fruits. But it offers a risk also. The risk of being lost inside it is there; and hence, mostly people have a fear of being lost in this jungle of flowers, fragrances and fruits. I ask my pupil that the journey for bliss cannot start with a fear. You start it with fearlessness. Do not be scared of sex. It is not scary. It is merely alluring; alluring to take you astray so long as you are not aware of the sex itself.


The basis of all sins is your ignorance. You are ignorant of sex and you have made it a sin; a taboo. You are ignorant of awakening and you have made it a ritual; a penance. You are ignorant of meditation and you have made it a mystical practice; an esoteric formula. When you enter meditation; when you start entering it you find that it was not so complicated as it was described by the experts.

Experts always make the things incomprehensible. They put simple things with such a great extensions of “ifs” and “buts” that a common person cannot understand it. The same has happened to both of the sex and the meditation. Both are very simple but Pundits have made them burdensome.

Sex is one of the natural tendencies of the body. Restraining it is unnatural. There are those who say avoid sex. They teach their lesson plans to people and the people find it difficult. On the other hand are those who preach to enjoy it like an animal. They induce you to the limits of pornographic domain to earn their monetary benefits. A common man finds himself in a fix. The first approach restrains you of your natural requirements and the second one drains you of your money, your self and the all.

I have shown my children, my pupils that a third option is also there. Both of the aforesaid groups mislead you only because of your ignorance. My point is – Just Be Awakened. Stop sleeping in a sleep of ignorance. Gurus, professionals, pornographers could mislead you only because you were not awakened – neither about the sex nor about the meditation.

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Make a Good Longterm Relationship

PS Malik speaks on: Make a Good Longterm Relationship

 Golden Rules for you to follow:

1.           Listen to your beloved.

 2.           Try to show tolerance and be open-minded. Avoid showing sarcasm and negativity. In general, anything that can cause you a bad mood or her bad mood should be avoided.

 3.           You should learn to give as well as to take - to give or take is not the answer, only a combination of the two in equal measure.

 4.           Try to make your partner\'s parents like you. It is very important for both of you.

 5.           Learn to give unconditionally. To expect always something in return is the same as paying for something.

 Make a Good Longterm Relationship

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

PS Malik speaks on: COSMOLOGICALLY


In my childhood I was told:


Ubhayatra Sadasat Samanvayah

HE is equally both saŤ and asaŤ (Real and non Real)

But I did not understand it. I again asked my great grand maternal father if Brahma was real (saŤ) then how can (could) it be unreal (asaŤ) at the same time. He explained me and I pretended to have understood it. But infact I did not.


 During my graduation, after about 10-11 years of that incident of saŤ and asaŤ Brahma, I was studying Pair – Production in quantum physics. And the concept of saŤ and asaŤ Brahma was more than clear to me. Now I could acualize the meaninglessness of distinction of "Bieng" and the "Potential of Being". Now I could see the "Being" (saŤ) and the "Potential of Being" (asaŤ) as the extension of the same existence.

The seed sown by a religious scripture at that time had germinated now after having incubatory warmth of a scientific concept for a gestation period of 11 years. Amazing!


This was once again I realized the fallacy created by some people and thereby declaring sciences and religions as essentially being in an ever pervading conflicting mode. If this universe is composed of small particles then each particle is a window to look into the details of the Universe. The quantum physics says it so. How it says so would be discussed later in the articles of the Article Hub. One such article is “Mediocre Minds Plead Reason the Higher Ones Transcend It”.

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PS Malik speaks on: Learned Ones are Full of Cognitive Dissonance

Learned Ones are Full of Cognitive Dissonance

People start learning right from their childhood. They form concepts and then arrange those concepts; then store those concepts and then when called upon by the circumstances use those concepts. This processing of information and concepts is called cognition in Psychology. Such people who can make so many users of the Cognitive information and the concepts of cognition are called learned ones when they cross a minimum level of storage of such Cognitive informations.

When a child is born he has no concepts. Experience of The child which increases with his age teaches him more and more. At the time of birth the child has no name, religion or other particulars. After his birth all these adjectives are given to him. He is given a name. He is told about his religion. He is told about his parentage and other adjectives. All this information is injected into him. He is made to believe that this external information constitutes an integral part of his existence.

A person hardly has an occasion to think if he were the same person without his name or parentage or religion etc. He is imbibed with a belief that all this information about him was an inseparable part of his personality.  (Here it is better to go through another article "Who am I").

As he grows he is given education. He is taught about the theories given by some predecessors. He is repeatedly told about and is made to believe in the sanctity of the theories. He is taught about the infallibility of the theories. For instance, no student of physics can be motivated be believe the incorrectness of Newtonian Laws of motion for ordinary speeds. Hence as a result , now he starts to identify himself with these theories in the same way as he used to identify himself with the concepts of his name, parentage and religion etc. . People feel proud in calling themselves scientists, mathematicians, democrat, pragmatist, revolutionary, extremist, communists and so on so forth. People have identified themselves with theories.


This entire burden of values, beliefs, habits etc. reduce a person as a mere reflection of the past. He becomes a dustbin where more and more garbage of past is accumulated. More and more of the past (in the form of values, beliefs, theories or habits etc.) is filled in that bin more and more contended he feels. He feels more equipped with values, beliefs and theories. He can deliver lengthy lectures to his companions with similar equipments. One who is comparatively more equipped is more respected among those "equals".

Life is new at each of its moment. It does not repeat itself. Life always and continuously keeps changing. All live circumstances are new. This newness of life poses a challenge to all those who are equipped with the outcomes of the past experiences. For instance, when people are confronted with the circumstances where they have to have resort to values contrary to the values of truthfulness and honesty for winning a competition, it would create a tension in their personality. They find their deeds and beliefs standing poles apart with no consonance in them. Continuous exposure to such inconsonance takes them to the verge of breaking.

Whenever there is inconsonance between the deeds and beliefs of a person, he is confronted with an internal turbulence and the psychology calls it Cognitive Dissonance.

You ask a communist to learn an essay on “The Advantages of Capitalism”. It would be the toughest task for him. In India the followers of Jainism finish their dinner before sunset. A test was given to several Jainese who followed this practice, to have a dinner late at night. About 72 times out of 100 they vomited and others felt very inconvenient after the dinner. It is Cognitive Dissonance.

Learned Ones are Full of Cognitive Dissonance

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PS Malik speaks on: Meditation Is a No Mind State

Meditation Is a No Mind State

Meditation is a state of no-mind. Mind is all evil. Meditation is a state of no-evil. Meditation is a state of pure consciousness with no content. Ordinarily, your consciousness is too full of rubbish, just like a mirror covered with dust. The mind is a constant traffic junction: Random thoughts are moving here, desires are moving, memories are moving, ambitions are moving - it is a continuously moving traffic! Day in, day out. Even when you are asleep the mind is working, it is dreaming. Its traffic is still moving; rushing with full vigor. The mind is still thinking; it is still in worries and anxieties. It is preparing for the next day; an underground preparation is going on.

This is the state of mind and mindfulness. This is the state of no meditation. Just the opposite is meditation. In Meditation there is no mind nor mindfulness. When there is no traffic of thoughts, no traffic of desires, no traffic of ambitions the thinking has ceased, no thoughts move, no desire stirs, you are utterly silent - that silence is meditation. And in that silence the truth is revealed, the truth is known, and never otherwise. Meditation is a state of no-mind.

The first thing is to know what meditation is. Everything else follows. I cannot say to you that you should do meditation; I can only explain to you what it is. If you understand me, you will be in meditation; there is no set of Dos and Donts.

And you cannot find meditation through the mind, because the mind will perpetuate itself. You can find meditation only by putting the mind aside, by being cool, indifferent, unidentified with the mind; by seeing the mind pass, but by not getting identified with it, not thinking that I am it.

Meditation Is No Mind State

Shreyas Malik

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